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Image by Andrew Neel


Although it is only active for a few years in the industry, Revify managed to deliver Revenue Management services to Hotels and Organisations in many countries. This is only a small sample from clients who trusted us and stayed satisfied with our services. 

Modernist Hotels Athens & Thessaloniki and ERGON House Athens

Revify’s team was assigned the owner of the group to provide advanced revenue management trainings to the Group Revenue Manager & to implement new reporting tools and standards.

the modernist

ABAD - Azerbaijan

Private Sector Development and Vocational Education and Training in the South Caucasus. Roadmap for implementation of the ABAD project offering different distribution solutions and recommendations and models of implementation. ABAD would develop a kind of Tourism Organisation for smaller properties of Azerbaijan.

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Winter Park Hotel Baku, Azerbaijan

The General Manager of this newly opened property assigned us to review and audit their distribution channels and provide recommendations. Following the completion of the audit the findings concluded that this hotel had a very low conversion rate on their website and booking engine. We calculated that by changing the booking engine, implementing a new pricing architecture for B2C and B2B channels and lastly implementing a holistic search engine marketing (SEM) strategy - we could save this hotel more than 500k euros per year by shifting existing demand from commendable channels to the direct website.

Winter Park Hotel Baku, Azerbaijan

La Marquise Luxury Resort Complex, Rhodes, Greece

The Revenue Manager from this complex approached Revify’s team with the request of having a session of advanced revenue management trainings. He had already completed different leading courses in revenue management, however they were always way too theoretical & way less practical.

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Hotel Bechlwirt, Austria

This family owned hotel in the municipality of Kitzbühel, Austria has outsourced their room revenue management to Revify - for the very simple reason that this position did not qualify for a full time in house role & proved to be significantly more cost effective to be outsourced.  4+ years collaboration.

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